
What Should be the Priorities of Today's Architecture Courses?

The vast and varied discipline of architecture is mainly associated with the planning, designing, construction, and maintenance of the various types of buildings and other physical/concrete structures, strictly as per the requirements and preferred aesthetic looks. These concrete structures may range from homes and offices to the residential, commercial, and industrial complexes. Structures associated with the urban development and town planning may also be encompassed by architectural engineering. More information about the career scope after architecture degree courses in India and abroad, is provided separately under the section just below.

In today's world of architecture, the most prominent and preferable necessities and expectations are the following in connection with the above-mentioned categories of building structures

  • Stronger and securer construction and architectural designs
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Highly impressive and innovative architectural designs
  • Increased safety considerations
  • Stunning and advanced aesthetics
  • Energy efficiency
  • Conformance to requisite lifestyle, comfort, and luxury
  • Eco-friendliness
  • Advanced but sustainable architectural engineering & designs

Hence, the priorities of today's architecture courses are undoubtedly to incorporate all above-noted requirements and niceties into the modern curricula. Again, these architectural courses must be supported by proper disciplinary and industrial trainings and updated information related with the prevailing as well as fast-emerging architectural trends. Mangalayatan University of Aligarh does take into account these all requirements of the modern courses in architecture engineering and technology. Exclusive information about the b.arch admission in mangalayatan university is provided separately under the lowest section of this blog.

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Career Scope After Architecture Degree Courses

After completing a sumptuous bachelor's or master's degree in architecture, a technocrat can easily find a fast-progressive and well-paying job in a variety of professional settings. Apart of these, he/she can also work as an independent architect or build one's own business in the field of architecture. The most prominent avenues for employment to the architects are the following --- construction and urban development companies, public works departments, interior designing, upkeeping of historical & architectural heritages, media, and personal architecture firms. In construction, urban development, and interior designing sectors, architects have to erect and decorate the following building structures --- homes, offices, residential apartments, industrial complexes, buildings in the retail sector, building in the hospitality and entertainment sector, hospitals, stadiums, and so on. However, the post and salary packages of the architects will depend upon the factors mentioned in the lower section. In general, the posts/designations achievable by the architects (based on their levels of degrees) are the following

  • Data Analyst
  • Architecture Draftsman/Designer/Engineer
  • Interior Designer
  • Technical/Architectural Assistant
  • Project Assistant Manager
  • Architectural Historian/Journalist
  • Landscape Architect

How Does Mangalayatan University Support Affluence in Architecture Industry, and Which are its Architecture Courses?

At present, only the B.Arch. Bachelor of Architecture course is conducted by prestigious Mangalayatan University of Aligarh. Soon, affluent and innovative courses in architectural engineering & technology for offering the master's and doctoral degrees will be started. The B.Arch. course of mangalayatan is of 5-year duration and is rather rich in curriculum, and is duly approved by the COA (Council of Architecture).

As far as its b.arch course is concerned, well-resourced and ingenious mangalayatan university (MU) also provides practical and industrial training and guidance for development of professional skills and acumen, in addition to the affluence and well-rounded theoretical knowledge in the discipline. As the field of architecture is closely associated with engineering & technology, art, aesthetics, and imaginative thinking, these facts are also taught to the pursuing students, to imbibe in them the necessary professional skills, disciplinary creativities, and admirable caliber. Efficiently supported by a world-class academic infrastructure and erudite and mellowed teaching and research faculties, MU strives for opening new horizons in the sector of architecture in India in coming years. Again, through including the master's and doctoral degree courses, and offering in those, the same quality of teaching and training, MU desires to become a widely renowned and best architecture college in India, particularly in the northern India in near future. Information about its architecture courses admission may be readily found just through visiting its website.