+91-9358-333-333(Regular Courses)
+91-9319-888-888(Online Courses)

Department of Agriculture

About the Department

The Department of Agriculture was established in 2018 under the Institute of Engineering & Technology and is strengthened with hundred percent doctorate faculty, supporting infrastructure and seventy Five Acer land. The curriculum of Diploma Agriculture, B. Sc. Agriculture, are designed in such a way that it focuses on the overall development of an individual. Great emphasis during the classes is laid on core fundamentals, concepts, field practicals, and the examinations are designed to reflect the understanding of the fundamentals in practical fields. Course work is further augmented by field practicals, course projects, seminars and presentations so that the students become proficient in inculcating team values. In order to boost interest in other disciplines, the students can take up electives and/or audit courses from department other than their core area of specialization. Agriculture Students are exposed to latest industry practices through several industrial visits during their course. Students are also encouraged to undergo industrial training during their summer vacations. The training provides the students with adequate exposure in tackling live problems encountered in working of industrial entity. Through seminars and lectures the students get an opportunity to interact with eminent personalities from the corporate world and the academia. In addition to these the Agriculture department also organizes various mock interview sessions and personality development workshops that help students shape the pre requisite skills.


  • “To assure food security to the people of the Republic of India and make agriculture a profitable and attractive enterprise with new innovations and research in the field of Agricultural sciences”.


  • To provide high-quality teaching, research and development to the students with the ability to apply fundamental principles of Agriculture sciences.
  • To develop a unique academic curriculum designed throughout the interaction with the major stakeholders like industry, NGOs, banks and professional societies.
  • To promote research and training on sustainable development of Agriculture production, cost management in farming, farm mechanization, crop and animal husbandry.
  • To ensure the increased net farm income to the farmers through various research schemes, innovative programs and welfare measures.