Dean (R & D) 's Profile

Prof. Ravi Kant
(Research & Development)
Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Kant, from past 22 years, involved in Research, Innovations and Consultancy in the areas of organic synthesis, bioorganometallics, material science, metallopharmaceutical chemistry and Intellectual property protection/management along with teaching of Chemistry/Applied Chemistry in undergraduate and post graduate students of engineering, science and pharmaceutical sciences. The impact of his research work shown in publications of repute (highly cited across the world) along with patents published, granted and commercialized. Besides teaching and research, he has also been involved in various assignments of assessment and accreditations and approvals from various council programs. He has been also playing industrial assignments as Honorary Advisor, Helix BioGenesis, Pvt. Ltd, Noida; Honorary Advisor, Arnavi research Lab, Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad; Honorary Advisor, Seminal Applied Sciences, Pvt. Ltd, Jaipur; Honorary Principal Advisor, Patent Minder, Pvt. Ltd, Lucknow, scientific consultant at Proctor & Gamble, Merck India, Vivimed Research Lab, Mankind and GVK Pharmaceuticals. He is the winner of Rastriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar-2015, Young Scientist Award-2018, Best Faculty Award-2017, J. C. Bose Vigyan Padak Sammaan-2020, Atal Vaigyanik Sammaan-2020, Bharat Ratna Nanaji Deshmukh Gramodaya Science Promotion Award 2021. He completed many research projects funded by state and central Govt. along with Industrial contract research projects. He is an active Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry London, Linnaean Society of London, Indian Science Congress Association, Uttar Pradesh Academy of Sciences, Indian Chemical Society, Chemical Research Society of Indian and Centre for Educational Growth & Research, Vigyan Bharati. He is member of Academic Council, Mewar University, Rajasthan, Editorial Board member of Chemical Biology Letters, an International Journal (Scopus). There are 14 Ph.D. awarded and 06 still working under his supervision with more than 175 publications and 47 patents.